Two guys who've been around the block a few times sharing their thoughts, and opinions, about bike stuff.
Reading Time: 4 minutes Yes, you. All of you. New-to-the-sport MAMIL and weathered, battle-hardened wheelmen alike. Do yourself, and all other road users, a favour: Learn to clip-in to your clipless pedals WITHOUT LOOKING. Please, for the good of your own friends and family and for the love of all things cycling, learn. NOW. Cycling is, we are repeatedly told, ‘the new golf’ — I get that. I also get that this means there’s a lot of new cyclists — and I even like…
Read the yell...Reading Time: 5 minutes Mention the word ‘standard’ to anyone who knows something about bikes and you’ll be greeted with a wry smile, an eye roll, an angry tirade, or all of the above. Sure, ‘standards’ exist, but can something really be called a ‘standard’ when there’s more than one? Or, when it comes to bottom brackets, when it feels like we’re closer to a hundred and one… And yet, in almost the same breath, there’s seemingly fresh cause to celebrate as more and…
Read the yell...Reading Time: 5 minutes First things first, don’t go near any glue – get those tyres unpacked and mounted onto a set of rims…
Read the yell...Reading Time: 6 minutes Paired with the right chainring (duh!), you just don’t need 11 or 12 gears…
Read the yell...Reading Time: 5 minutes And hanging there, next to the Zen, it goaded me EVERY. SINGLE. TIME, I pulled the Zen off the rack until, finally, for some shits and giggles, I gave it another go; you know, just for the hell of it.
Read the yell...Reading Time: 6 minutes I am more than amused about my thinking at the time. Why?
Read the yell...Reading Time: 3 minutes I called him out on not being sharp enough, and his response was to be rude.
Read the yell...Reading Time: 5 minutes What better way to mark a sporadic comeback to writing about bikes, than to write about something totally foreign to many in this, the age of 12x gearing.
Read the yell...Reading Time: 2 minutes “35 years on tubulars and I’ve never seen one folded the way you did. Share with us the techniques, please?”
Read the yell...Reading Time: 11 minutes I, like many out there, have been riding for far too long and have always worked to the accepted basics of mileage establishes base fitness and targeted sessions build strength etc. etc. Nowhere, in all those years, did I ever hear or read anyone saying sure, 2 minutes a session is all you need.
Read the yell...